AP–Anglican leader worried about Mideast's Christians

The Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams voiced grave concern Saturday over the eroding Christian presence in the Holy Land on the first stop of his four-day pilgrimage to the region.

Williams, the spiritual leader of the Anglican communion worldwide, held a sermon for hundreds of faithful at the River Jordan after dedicating the cornerstone of an Anglican church to be built at the site where tradition says Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.

Williams said he “worried deeply” about the dwindling numbers of Christians in the Mideast, and stressed that it was the church’s duty to support Christians who face hardship due to regional conflicts.

Read it all.

Update: Some preliminary information on the Archbishop’s visit to the Holy Land may be found here.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, Archbishop of Canterbury, Jordan, Middle East, Other Churches, Religion & Culture

3 comments on “AP–Anglican leader worried about Mideast's Christians

  1. DTerwilliger says:

    How about being worried about the dwindling numbers of Christians in the West (especially Great Britain)? As I understand it, a number of parish churches in England have been turned into Mosques.

  2. deaconjohn25 says:

    One reason American Christians are not concerned with the plight of mid-eastern Christians is that the continuing bloodshed, and persecution of Christians in Moslem countries is repeatedly ignored by the mainstream media. You have to scan internet sites to find what is clearly the truth about why Christians are fleeing that region.

  3. Dilbertnomore says:

    With Europe abdicating any semblance of a Christian future and the West’s deadly embrace of mindless diversity fueling the rise of all things non-Christian the demise of Christianty and individual adherents should come as no surprise, but rather axiomatic.